Where Did We Start
Established in Bindura, Zimbabwe in 1967 by Nicolas Pavlou Pilakoutas, Nickβs Motors started out as an automotive engineering business specialising in engine overhauls and maintenance.
Where We Operate
Nickβs Motors is a highly diversified transportation company that focuses on the key trade routes in Southern Africa.
Our Security Measures
We protect our vehicles, equipment and your cargo from theft, vandalism, and damage through our connected fleet and mobile asset management telematics solutions.
What we move
Our tankers can load a number of specialised fuels, gases and petrochemicals.
Our Rates
Our rates are based on several factors, including the type of product and the volume to be moved, the location of the loading point, any post-loading compliance, the destination of the offloading point and the preferred route and borders crossed. So there is no one size fits all rate.
Our Overnight Truck Stop
We provide customers with the best overnight truck stop service offering.
What We Do
Nickβs Motors is a dedicated tanker transporter of fuel and dangerous goods. Headquartered in Harare, Zimbabwe.
Why We Excel
We are customer-centric: our customers are always assured of our best service at all times. Our success and growth is built on our reputation as consistently reliable fuel transporters that emphasise the need to deliver fuel swiftly, reliably and at a fair price.
Our Fleet
The entire Nick's Motors aluminium tanker fleet is SABS (South African Bureau of Standards) approved, SQAS-Africa approved, and ISO accredited.
Our Terms and Conditions of Carriage
In order to provide our customers with the safest transport solutions for the movement of their goods, we follow a sealed parcel system of delivery in line with EN 15208
Our Commitment to Excellence
Nickβs Motors is committed to a continued investment in stringent safety, health, environment, and quality (SHEQ) standards, as well as secure and compliant cross-border trade through AEO accreditation.
Moving Together | Jerusalema Dance Challenge
The power of this song and the magic it has released across the world is electrifying. How could we not join this #JerusalemaDanceChallenge community?